Also In This Edition

Sofia Elizarraras ’23 works on a beetle experiment in her “Experimental Animal Behavior” course, while Harry Styles looks on. Photo by Rebecca Kiger.

Photographer Dannie Lane ’22 captured the foot traffic on Middle Path during a January snowstorm.

Katie Orefice ’23 (center) and her teammates await a possible rebound during the women’s basketball team’s loss to Oberlin on Feb. 9. Photo by Seijin Kim '22.

Kenyon in Quotes

"The freedom that I had in that lab opened internships and job opportunities for me. It made me who I am today — a curious scientist."
— Edna Kemboi '16, reflecting on the organic chemistry class that helped launch her career

Kenyon in Quotes

"It’s part of our collective history. … Older students tell younger students. It’s another way of showing you are a part of the campus family."
— Keeper of Kenyoniana Tom Stamp '73, on the importance of telling campus ghost stories, in the Columbus Dispatch

Snapshots of Life on the Hill

Purple Goes Green

In a commitment to sustainability, Kenyon now owns enough renewable energy credits (RECs) to cover 100% of the College’s annual electricity consumption. The credits come from a large solar electricity generation development in Texas, because everybody knows the sun can be hard to find during Gambier Februarys. 

And You Thought "Freebird" Was Long

Music students Ethan Bonnell ’23 and Eli Hiton ’23 undertook the Sisyphean feat of performing the 20-hour “Vexations,” a work for keyboard by French composer Erik Satie that bears the inscription, “In order to play the motif 840 times in succession, it would be advisable to prepare oneself beforehand, and in the deepest silence, by serious immobilities.” “Chopsticks” it ain’t.

Unsung Salad Bar Heroes

AVI employees worked six days a week throughout the fall to cover worker shortages in Peirce, including during COVID-dictated quiet periods requiring boxed meals. 

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